GAIN LINE Analytics works at the forefront of elite performance with teams in professional sport and business. Distilling what we have learned working in high performance, GAIN LINE Analytics delivers corporate presentations and workshops for businesses with ambitions to increase their performance capacity.
The benefits of using Cohesion Analytics:
Enable your business to build stronger functioning teams.
Effectively manage change.
Support leaders in their decision making.
Increase your performance capacity.
Business Analysis
Despite our founding work being in professional sport, the research that forms the basis and inspiration for Cohesion Analytics comes out of a variety of other industries including stock broking, aviation, and the military.
GAIN LINE Analytics measures and analyses the cohesion present within corporate and other teams, in much the same way we would an elite sports team, finding strong correlations between cohesion and performance, including stock market returns.
Understanding how cohesion functions in your business is the first step to optimisation and improving outcomes.
The Benefits of Cohesion Analytics:
Build Stronger Functioning Teams:
Exploring the extent of the impact of team cohesion in high performance settings will enable you to build stronger functioning teams in your business, to deliver better results and improve efficiencies.
Effectively Manage Change:
Change is inevitable, but will undermine built up levels of cohesion. The true impact of change in a business will depend on the size of the teams, how turnover is managed and the rate of change. Cohesion Analytics is a powerful tool to effectively managing change.
The Benefits of Cohesion Analytics:
Support Leaders Decision Making
The impact of raw talent on team performance is misunderstood and overestimated. Cohesion Analytics will challenge how you think about the development of individual skill, enabling better assessments of employee performance to support leaders in their decision making.
Increase Performance Capacity
Learning about and utilising Cohesion Analytics will help you increase the performance capacity of your business.
What we do:
Management Presentations: a dive into the world of Cohesion Analytics and how it impacts performance.
Cohesion Analytics Workshop: building on the themes of the presentation, participants are taken through an interactive workshop to actively experience the impact of changes to cohesion on performance.
Business Analysis: using the Cohesion Analytics methodology, GAIN LINE Analytics can objectively measure the level of cohesion present within any group. An awareness of where you and your competition sit is the first step to optimising cohesion and improving outcomes.
“I worked with GAIN LINE Analytics between 2020 and 2023 in my capacity as General Manager of Operations for OFI (Olam Food Ingredients). The observations and recommendations from the performance audit guided us to make changes to the way we recruit and develop both seasonal as well as permanent employees. This ultimately led to improved retention over the long term. This in turn led to improved performance as it related to cost control, yield and quality of the crop. The correlation between cohesion as measured by TWI® and performance became more apparent as we continued on this journey.”
— Pierre van Rensburg, General Manager of Operations, Olam Food Ingredients.
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